Iridology studies the eye's iris, sclera, and structural aspects to assess the body's health. The iris has reflex connections to every organ and tissue through the nervous system. Iridologists assess color and fiber structure to detect signs of developing disease. It's a diagnostic tool to maintain wellness and help prevent illness.

Iridology insight


We are born with specific strengths and weaknesses from our ancestors, especially the past three generations.

Iris signs that develop in the eye are permanent signs directly related to the diet and lifestyle habits of those who came before us.

Suppose we pay attention to these signs and work with our diet and lifestyle habits to strengthen these inherited weaknesses. In that case, we can promote healthier future generations in our family and better ourselves.

Physical inheritance (the constitution you inherited) + Environment (Diet and Lifestyle, etc.) + Emotional and Spiritual (factors)+ Age (is everything; it's a factor) Each element of this Health Equation is assessed on how it is affecting the health of a person. 

Children, as well as adults, benefit from this therapy.

What is Sclerology

Sclerology provides yet an additional layer of information.  

Sclera lines start and end in two different places; we can use them to determine the cause and the effect of a symptom or stress pattern. Paired with Iridology, we can evaluate inherited weaknesses and whether current lifestyles undermine our inheritance. Further, the lines in the sclera change rapidly (compared with Iridology, which rarely shows observable changes).

Thus, Sclerology alerts us of health issues and shows if a protocol works for the client. Sclerology Provides that Sclerology gives us an earlier alert than any other eye science and can allow us to correct things with lifestyle changes before they become chronic.

Many lines in the sclera change as health conditions change, giving us an edge over basic Iridology.

The sclera's patterns/markings show the acquired weak patterns in one's constitution. So that we can work on these areas and see the lines fade away, Sclerology shows us the red pointers to help us prioritize health protocols that we can work on, and when the main stressors are lessened, the body will heal itself naturally.  

Iridology Chart

Developed by Bernard Jensen, DC, Ph.D. With revisions by Ellen Jensen, Ph, D, D, Sc. 2004

The topography of the iris reflects the major tissue structure of the body. Each major body system is mapped to a specific location in the iris—Right Eye, Right side of the body, Liver, Gallbladder, pancreas, etc. The stomach colon is outside of the pupil.

We are ascending colon and half of the transcending colon. The left eye relates to the left side of the body: heart, spleen, etc. The stomach and colon are outside of the pupil. The other half is of the transcending colon and descending colon. Add a description here.

Reaction Field

Example:  The heart reaction fields of the iris are now seen in four areas, at 3:00 and 9:00 in the left iris and 3:00 and 9:00 in the right iris. You will also notice on the chart the thymus in two areas just under the red heart fields in the left iris and in two areas beneath the heart fields in the right iris. The breast is represented in two areas in each iris based on the physiological fact that both men and women have an upper and lower breast.

Example: If the iris shows a marking in an area of the reaction field of the thyroid, the practitioner also looks to the body for thyroid signs or symptoms. Thus, the eyes are a window, not only into a person’s biological processes but also their thoughts and feelings.

Example: A lacuna in the kidney reaction field shows a possibility for kidney disturbances in that person. Because they have inherited a genetic weakness in the kidney, they will have more of a tendency for kidney disorders than people who do not have a lacuna in the kidney reaction field.

Sclerology chart

Sclerology paired with iridology, we can determine inherited weaknesses and whether current lifestyles are undermining our inheritance.







What Iridology Can Do

  • Iridology can reveal the inherent strengths and deficiencies of organs, glands, and tissues.

  • Inherently weak organs do not utilize nutrients as well as they should, nor do they have the ability to discharge toxicity. Iridology can show the potential ability of an organ to react to illness.

  • White raised signs can show potential for irritability and possible inflammation. Conversely, dark gray or black areas can indicate little or no ability to react.

  • Iridology can show familial patterns of various syndromes and pathologies, such as gastrointestinal disorders, hypoglycemia, blood anomalies, or heart problems. 

  • Iridology can show (through the color of the iris and genetic patterns) certain foods that a person could have difficulty digesting or utilizing.

  • Iridology can lead from the pupil border and spine areas with subluxation. 

  • Iridology can show potential central and autonomic nervous system imbalance and circulatory disturbances. 

  • Iridology can indicate potential connective tissue weakness and a tendency for varicose veins, Hiatal hernias, hemorrhoids, or scoliosis. 

  • Iridology can indicate the potential for glandular deficiencies. 

  • Iridology can indicate the potential for high uric acid levels, serum cholesterol levels, and lymphatic congestion.

CanNot Do 

  • Diagnose or give the name of any disease a person may have or have had or identified pathology.

  • Determine if a person has had surgery unless it was eye surgery. 

  • Indicate precise blood pressure levels. 

  • Determine if a person has parasites or indicate the presence of yeast infections such as candida Albicans in the iris. However, signs of fermentation leading to the presence of yeast and parasites can be seen in the sclera.

  •  Confirm the presence of viruses, germ life, or bacterial invasion of the body. 

  • Determine if a woman is pregnant or has had an abortion. Indicate whether a tumor is present or what size it may be. Show whether or not a person has kidney stones or gallstones. Give exact cholesterol or uric acid levels in the body.

  • Determine whether or not hemorrhage exists or where it is located unless it is in the visible layers of the eye. Show if arteries are blocked or hardened, though the potential for this may be seen.

  • Distinguish a person's gender or age, predict a person's life span or impending time of death. 

  • Tell whether or not a person needs surgery. 

  • Iridology cannot locate a specific tooth that may be problematic. 


Human Iridology or Sclerology Remote Photos are needed.

Left Iris /Right Iris

Right Nasal Sclera/Left Nasal Sclera

Right Temporal Sclera/Left Temporal Sclera

Right Upper Quadrant/Left Upper Quadrant

For the Nasal Sclera photos, please look toward your ears to take the pictures.

Please look towards your nose to take the Temporal Sclera (white part of the eye) photos.

Please look down and pull up your eyelids for the Upper Quadrant photos.

Please look up and pull down your eyelids for the Lower Quadrant photos.

For an example of how to take pictures with your cell phone without another person, watch this video:

Try to take the pictures as closely as possible and be sure they are not blurry or indistinctive to work with. 

If you want a Zoom reading, we will spend about an hour on Zoom, reviewing your irides and sclera photos and discussing health.

If you want a report, I will create a 5–7-page report that includes your iris constitutional type, iris subtype, pupil tonus, sclera markings, iridology signs, genetic markers, and dietary and lifestyle recommendations.

Book an appointment

What to expect during the eye analysis?

 During your iris analysis, I will photograph your eyes (unless you take them and send them), then schedule an online Zoom or in-person appointment.

During this appointment, I will upload and project your eyes on the computer and then examine and point out the details of your iris structure and pigmentation, sclera signs, and pupillary border shape and strength.

Next, I will explain the areas of the iris that reveal specific strengths and deficiencies within the body. Next, I will look at your eyes and health history form and point out areas of concern.

Next, I will provide a plan that includes specific nutrition, exercise, drinks, and remedies to help you meet those goals and bring your body back into balance.

The iris (your iris) acts as the body's blueprint. Understanding it gives you an empowering road map toward optimal health and well-being.  

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