Canine Iridology is the study of the eye's iris to determine strengths and weaknesses in the body." If you want to know your pet's health, Iridology can tell you just that and your pet's genetics.

Canine Iridology

"The eyes are the window to the soul" William Shakespeare.

Iridologists use the eyes as the avenue into the body. The eyes have been applied to human health analysis for centuries; iridology is now used to support animal health.


Canine Iridology

Canine Iridology is an emerging field that analyzes a dog's iris to identify health issues. Although relatively unknown worldwide, Frank Navratil - Iridology and Natural Medicine is among the few organizations that have conducted extensive research in this exciting area. Through collaboration with veterinarians, They have compiled a comprehensive database of both canine and feline irises, along with their corresponding veterinarian-diagnosed medical conditions. Frank Navratil - Iridology and Natural Medicine's work with Canine Iridology has the potential to improve the health and well-being of our beloved pets. It may pave the way for similar advancements in animal medicine.