What is Iridology? (Pronounced eye-rid-ology)

Iridology is an analytical technique that can provide valuable insights into a person's health without being invasive. Its roots can be traced back to ancient Babylon, where it was used to identify health issues.

Today, iridology is used by many practitioners in alternative and mainstream medicine to assess a person's health by examining the iris. Identifying specific constitutional aspects concerning genetic factors can determine lifestyle considerations leading to an improved quality of life.

Iridology can evaluate organ weaknesses, spinal misalignments, and psychological traits to a certain degree. Nevertheless, it is crucial to recognize that iridology must not be used as a substitute for traditional diagnoses.

Instead, it should be viewed as a source of information highlighting specific predispositions. If you have any concerns, it's always advisable to consult your doctor or other healthcare professionals.

FREE 15-Min Discovery Call

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Suppose you want to proceed with an Iridology or Astrology reading. In that case, you'll need to schedule an appointment on our booking page, complete a disclaimer and intake form, and provide any other necessary details related to the services we discuss.

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Vibrational Astrology

Vibrational Astrology is a way of looking at your life based on the energy patterns of the planets and stars. It helps you discover who you are, what you are good at, and what you can do to improve yourself. It is like a map that shows you where you are and where you can go in your journey of growth and happiness.

Ideal Client

An Ideal Client values the importance of health and wellness, acknowledging the role of nutrition, supplementation, and diet in repairing and healing the body. They know the connection between behavior, emotions, and physical health and will take the necessary steps to understand this relationship. Additionally, they seek the expertise of a certified comprehensive Iridologist for an Iridology analysis. Iridology offers a non-invasive, painless, and cost-effective way to examine the body, providing a preventative approach and complementing other diagnostic methods.